Beautiful pics of Helene Fischer and Claudia Wells feet & legs
What could be the implications of Katy Perry edging out Taylor Swift as Forbes' top-paid female artist of 2018 could please fans of low-grade, pop battle. The real drama and possibility of a threat to Taylor Swift's status is down the Forbes list of top 10. Helene Fischer is ranked as No. 8 on Forbes' Top 10, close to Rihanna as well as above Celine Dion and Britney Spears. Who? It is a fact the super-star of German-Russian descent who keeps her mouth shut so that she can remain a normal woman. Interviews with her in depth reveal that she is a fan of homemade butter. She was also shocked when her boyfriend a German TV host had her image tattooed on his arm. Fischer 34, as a matter of biographical terms, is a star for Germanys Schlager Scene. The music is oriented in two directions. The second song is a more bierhalle-like beat that covers the themes of drunk and babes, as well as Germany. Fischer is the opposite of it one: the loyal wife who's breath is stopped and the heart stops as she thinks of her husband being manipulated by his female weakness up to incite protection feelings. Schlager was an emo response to the vulgar west pop which infiltrated Germany post-war. Its songs are classic. There are countless Schlager specials in the world of television that appeal to baby Boomers. Fischer puts one out each Christmas season, which is a depressing program with a stellar cast. The show makes Jools' Annual Hootenanny look like Channel 4s' Club X. Schlager is a tribute to the down-home vibe of country music, and Fischer has given it an radical synth-pop style like Fischer could be German Taylor Swift. Swifts musical evolution has transformed her into a cool person, while Fischer's music is utterly terrible.
Claudia Wells, an American actor, was born and raised within Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. She is now based in San Francisco CA. Wells rose to fame in 1985 as Jennifer Parker Marty McFly's girl companion, appearing in the film Back to the Future. In 1985, Wells co starred in Stop the Madness an anti drug-related music video commissioned by the Reagan administration and featuring a variety of well-known actors, musicians as well as athletes. In the following year, she was a guest in a television film Babies Having Babies and played as the lead character in the short lived series Fast Times a television adaptation of the popular 1982 film Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Despite moving on a coveted glide path toward entertainment success Claudia was forced to stop acting when she was informed that her mom had cancer. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia Wells is a veteran actress with more than 50 credits from television, film and theater. She believes that her real career on screen is far ahead of her. Her goal is to find agri-ed characters who don't hesitate to challenge conventions and push themselves. Claudia Wells is a fine men's clothing retailer called Armani Wells. You can learn more about the company by visiting the site

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